4 Aftercare Recovery Tips After a Tooth Extraction

Getting a tooth extracted can seem a bit daunting. Most patients would rather avoid this dental procedure altogether. Rightfully so, because no one ever wants to lose their natural teeth.

However, as difficult as it may be to believe, at times, undergoing a tooth extraction near you is the best option for your overall dental health.

Many reasons would make it necessary for you or your loved ones to undergo a dental extraction at our dentist’s office near you. These may include:

  • Having a severely damaged tooth, perhaps due to trauma
  • Having an adversely decayed or infected tooth
  • Undergoing preparation for an orthodontic treatment to deal with overcrowded teeth, such as getting dental braces
  • Having severe periodontal disease
  • Having an impacted tooth, thus needing impacted tooth removal

Tooth extraction is a painless dental procedure because it is performed under either local anesthetic or general anesthesia, depending on the type of extraction being performed by our emergency dentist in Longmont.

The hard part about undergoing a tooth extraction near you is not the procedure itself but the recovery process after that, as you need to be careful not to reopen and possibly infect the wound.

What you do and don’t do after a tooth extraction could make a difference in how you recover after your extraction. After undergoing a tooth extraction, one of the key things you need to pay attention to is that the extraction site clots and seals up promptly and properly.
Several guidelines can help you ensure this and put you on a path to rapid and smooth recovery after an extraction. Here’s a detailed look into some of the aftercare tips that can facilitate your seamless recovery:

    1. Let the Site Clot

After your dental extraction procedure, our dentist will place a clean piece of gauze on the extraction site. You should bite down on the gauze and leave it on the site for at least an hour after the procedure.

Doing so will apply pressure on the site to help stop the bleeding and initiate the formation of the clot.

You should ensure that the site remains undisturbed as much as possible to facilitate clotting and avoid dislodging the formed clot that may result in the development of complications such as a dry socket.

Several things can hinder proper clotting of the extraction site, such as:

      • Smoking within the initial 48 hours after an extraction
      • Using a straw, spitting, or sucking immediately after an extraction
      • Eating solid foods right after an extraction
      • Rinsing or gurgling within the initial 24 hour period after an extraction
    1. Take It Easy

You need to ensure that you get plenty of rest at least within the initial 24 hours after the procedure.

This will improve the clotting process. Also, you should always elevate your head when lying down and avoid doing any strenuous exercises or activities immediately after undergoing an extraction procedure, preferably for about 72 hours.

Managing to have plenty of rest and taking it easy will make your healing process happen way faster.

    1. Watch What You Eat

After an extraction, it is important to ensure that you maintain and eat a balanced diet. However, you should avoid eating hard, crunchy foods for at least a week after the procedure.

Eat some cold and soft foods such as yogurt or pudding the first day after your extraction and soft foods such as pasta, eggs, and soup for the next week after.

Gradually work your way back to solid foods once the extraction site seals up properly. You should also avoid eating any spicy, acidic, or extremely hot food right after the extraction, as this may irritate the site and hinder clot formation.

    1. Keep the Site Clean

One of the key things that can hamper your recovery is developing an infection at the site. This can occur if the site is not kept clean and bacteria-free. The way to do this is to ensure that you practice proper oral hygiene.

Gently brush your teeth at least twice a day but avoid poking or interfering with the site as this can dislodge the formed clot.

You can also begin using a saline mouth rinse 24 hours after your procedure to ensure the site stays clean and sterile.

At Mertz Family Dentistry, we value saving and maintaining our clients’ natural teeth. However, if you need to undergo an extraction, do not hesitate to contact us today.

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